No words for today.
Our nightly meeting consists of sharing a word of the day, something that pops in our head to sum up our experience for the day. Tonight that task proved to be difficult as a hush fell over the room. I think most of us felt that there are no words for today. We eventually came up with our 13 words (well, 14, someone cheated and gave two)…
Wondering,awe,purpose,growth,responding,smile,guarded,image,simplicity,adaptability,dishonor,unknowing, and indescribable.
Today was water truck day. For anyone who has had the privilege of being in Haiti with Healing Haiti, to you, these words need no explanation. Today our team took a leap of faith and headed into Cite de Soleil, the poorest part of Haiti, to deliver the only clean water that these people receive. We made three stops, each a bit different and unique yet all living in the same devastation. This day meant something different to each of us; we all bonded with different children, hugged, held, played and laughed with them. We also provided them with a basic necessity, one we take completely for granted at home, water. Our words certainly sum up our experience but truly, there are no words for today.
I know I am completely humbled by the Haitians, allowing us into their world as if we are doing them a favor, teaching them something. The reality of it is that by seeing a glimpse of their lives they have taught us all so much; how to live with nearly nothing yet still have a smile on your face, how to love, how to care for one another, how to survive, how to look past the horror around you and see the good. Speechless; that is how I feel tonight as I sit here in my comfortable guesthouse listening to the sound of a storm brewing, wondering how the potential rain will impact their night tonight. God is good, can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.
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