Today we went to Home for the Sick and Dying. We served there for almost 3 hours. Our little girls held, fed, and comforted babies the entire time. Photos aren't allowed at the Home so I took some mental pictures. One is of Sierra looking at me with pleading eyes asking that we take the 18 mo old baby girl that she was loving home. Another is of the moms scrubbing the cribs with strong bleach water to help prevent a cholera outbreak. My final picture is Harry (sp) a lovely Haitian worker that I have seen many times but have never been able to develop a deeper relationship with. I was able to chat (in Creole) about a few things and begin to connect with a man that has kind eyes, a gentle spirit, and who does amazing maintenance work to keep the Home going.

We were also blessed with the opportunity to have the girls from Restavek Freedom come over for dinner tonight. Eleven girls and two house moms came over, the girls' ages ranged from 10-20. Our girls showed them around, took pictures with them, and then we introduced them to tacos with Doritos. Yum! They had never had it before so it was fun to watch them put their plates together (I even think they liked it). I tend to over think these kinds of things; how will they communicate, won't it be awkward, what if someone is bored? But dinner ended and the girls, Haitian and American, went straight to what they do best, play. They played UNO and dominos and would have continued on indefinitely. Karen has met with them numerous times and they had blessed her with songs. So Karen suggested that we sing for, and with, one another. It was beautiful. They sang the song, "Who am I". It brought me to tears to hear those lovely voices sing their praises to our shared God. Our God is so big. We laughed, praised, and shared...we related which is what God has called us to do. It was beautiful.
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