Monday, December 3, 2012

Flight Home

While on the flight home, I have seen God use His power in miraculous ways. Rebekah has severe asthma and severe allergies. It was my biggest fear of this trip. She didn't get sick. No one mom or daughter got sick, except for minor things such as sweet little Sierra Imsland who had stomach aches, my migraines, and whatever else I didn't catch on to.  :(

On the long flight home, after using our hands and feet to serve our God, Jesus used a beautiful African American flight attendant to serve us in a powerful way.

There are outlets under each seat. Rebekah was having an asthma attack on the second leg of the flight home. The flight attendant and I tried multiple outlets, on multiple rows, with my iPhone, iPad, and Rebekah's nebulizer ...  no outlet could handle the voltage or something, even though others similar devices could.

Rather than us serving others, the flight attendant shined her Light, and sat next to Rebekah, talked to her about the healing only Jesus can provide, and followed up by praying over her to calm her lungs. Just thinking it through brings tears to my eyes. We came to serve, yet over and over, we are the ones who have been served.

The flight attendant asked many questions about Healing Haiti, and her love for our God shined brightly throughout the evening flight.

Rebekah is now sitting next to me, breathing calmly, without use of her inhaler or nebulizer.

What a glorious God we serve.  Thank you Jesus for Rebekah and her servant heart, and thank you for the flight attendant I will never forget, who sat down for 10 minutes mid-flight, to use her faith is Jesus to minister and pray over my daughter.

I love you God.  Mesi Jezi.

Now may I cry happy tears?
Sandy Anderson

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