Friday, May 2, 2014


Five days ago when I landed in Haiti I could not have imagined the pain and suffering I would see. I didn’t realize such desperation and hardship was happening in this world.  I had no idea what poverty and hunger actually looked like. 
In one single moment today I saw all of those things.  There I sat in the back of the tap tap (the vehicle that our team rides in) outside of the general hospital.  We were waiting for the team leaders to come back from a meeting.  I was standing at the front of the tap tap but facing directly out the back door.  As I watched people walking from building to building a man and his small son walked right up to the door.  I am certain the boy was around the age of my son (6).  His belly was distended as if he was 9 months pregnant and his breathing was very labored.  His voice was so weak it was barely audible as he was saying ”papa” and reaching for his father’s hand.  They had no food or money and were looking for us to give them some.  We were not in a situation where we were able to help that little boy today and that was heartbreaking.  I stared deep into his eyes and tried without words to let him know that I cared about him, that he mattered, that I feel compassion for him in his desperate situation, that I wished I could take away his pain and suffering. 
The truth is; no matter what I might have been able to do for that boy today I could not have rescued him.  I could not have taken away his pain or healed his sickness.  Anything I could have done would have been so very temporary.  I wanted to feed him, to love him, to make him feel better.  The truth is I can pray for that boy and today that is all I can do. So, today I pray healing and comfort and support and love over him.  And most of all I pray he knows Jesus. The truth is; that is the only way any of us will ever be rescued from this world.   
Five days ago when I landed in Haiti I could not have imagined the beauty, endurance, perseverance, gratitude, faithfulness, and strength I would see.  I am inspired to watch these beautiful people press on day after day fighting just to survive.  Smiles of appreciation for our simple acts of bringing food, water, a hug, or a song light up their faces!  I have never seen such pure worship when we bring music to them.  Praising freely with all that they have and all that they are.  BEAUTIFUL!
Five days ago I came to Haiti hoping to bless as many people here as I could.  Instead they have blessed me beyond measure.  It has been a beautifully difficult time in Haiti.  I am blessed.
Five days ago when I landed in Haiti I could not have imagined how different the world would look to me!!!!


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